All students are required to bring a laptop in order to take part in the student workshop proceedings.
A Docker image containing all the software required will be provided and needs to be installed prior to attending the workshop. This requires the installation of some prerequisite packages, and depends on your laptop's operating system.
First of all, please go to the Docker Download Page and download Docker for your laptop's operating system, then follow the installation prompts.
You'll also need to install XWindows if you're using a Microsoft operating system (Xming is a good one if you don't have a preference) or OSX (XQuartz is the current preferred option). You'll also need an SSH client (OSX and Linux will already have one. For Microsoft, a simple option is PuTTY
First, make sure you have the latest version of the docker image. We've updated a few things during the week
docker pull nanograv/ipta-docker
Now, if you have an existing container that you created earlier in the week you need to decide if you want to keep the data. Assuming the container was called "ipta" you would do:
docker cp ipta:/home/jovyan/path/to/your/stuff ./Where path/to/your/stuff is the path inside the container.
Now, stop your contanier and remove it with
docker stop ipta docker rm ipta
Now, you'll need to decide where you would like to put a directory that you would like to share between your computuer and the docker container that you are going to create. Put it somewhere relative to your home directory, so /Users/username/path/to/your/stuff on OSX and Windows or /home/username/path/to/your/stuff on linux. Once you've done that, go ahead and create a new container with docker run:
docker run -d -v /Users/username/path/to/your/stuff:/home/jovyan/work/shared -p 8888:8888 -p 2222:22 --name ipta nanograv/ipta-docker
and then check to make sure the image is running
docker ps to see something like this: CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS 93000036af6f nanograv/ipta-docker "tini -- start-not..." 3 seconds ago Up 2 seconds
Now that it's running, you'll need to connect to the container and set a password for the "jovyan" user. You can do this with
docker exec -it ipta /bin/bashwhich will give you a root shell on the container. Now you'll need to set a password for the jovyan user,
passwd jovyan
Now you can ssh into the container as the jovyan user, but you'll need to connect to port 2222
ssh -XY -p 2222 jovyan@localhost
The container is running a jupyter notebook server, go ahead and get the approprite url and token by running "jupyter notebook list" (note that your prompt and token will look slightly different):
jovyan@93000036af6f:~$ jupyter notebook list Currently running servers: http://localhost:8888/?token=47b5a6c9159da886d59efed53c553d4e36afacfbf7719990
Paste the url that you get into your web browser, and confirm that you can connect to the notebook server. Now that you've confirmed everything works, go ahead and shut down the container with :
docker stop ipta
When you're ready to work again you can do:
docker start ipta