Invited Reviews
- A.LeTiec (LUTh) - Black holes in binaries (theory)
- L.Blanchet (IAP) - test of Gravity theories with binary systems
- E.Gourgoulhon (LUTh) - The MW central BH and the no-hair theorem G.Perrin (LESIA) - The GRAVITY VLT experiment and the central BH
- I.Dvorkin (IAP) - SMBHB population
- B.Fang (SYRTE) - MIGA: Matter Wave Interferometers Experiments
- G.Patanchon (APC) - Mode B measurements with Planck and QUBIC
- A.Petiteau (APC) - LISA project
- M.Barsuglia (APC) - Virgo-LIGO (TBC)
Registered Participants
as of May 14, 2017
- Abhinav Jindal
- Abubakr Ibrahim
- Aditya Parthasarathy Madapusi
- Alberto Sesana
- Alexandre Le Tiec
- Andrea Lommen
- Antonia Orsini
- Benetge Perera
- Ben Gillen
- Brent Shapiro-Albert
- Caitlin Witt
- Caterina Tiburzi
- David Nice
- Delphine Perrodin
- Di Li
- Dominic Bosco
- Dustin Madison
- Eric Gourgoulhon
- Fronefield Crawford
- Gemma Janssen
- Gilles Theureau
- Golam Shaifullah
- Haley Wahl
- Henryk Haniewicz
- Hind Al Noori
- Ismaël COGNARD
- James McKee
- Janna Goldstein
- Jeffrey Hazboun
- Jiang Dong
- Jingbo Wang
- Jing Luo
- Joseph Lazio
- Julian Donner
- Keeisi Caballero
- Kuo Liu
- Lars Künkel
- Lindley Lentati
- Lin Wang
- Lorenz Haase
- Lucas Guillemot
- Luc Blanchet
- Madhuri Gaikwad
- Mallory Roberts
- Megan Jones
- Michael Keith
- Michael Lam
- Michele Vallisneri
- Naoyuki Yonemaru
- Nathaniel Garver-Daniels
- Paul Baker
- Paul Brook
- Pete Gentile
- Renée Spiewak
- Richard Manchester
- R. Nicolas Caballero
- Robert Ferdman
- Ryan Shannon
- Siyuan Chen
- Stanislav Babak
- Stefan Oslowski
- Stella Ocker
- Stephen Taylor
- Timothy Dolch
- Timothy Pennucci
- Xiaojin Liu
- Xinping Deng
Local Organizing Committee:
Local Organizing Committee:
- Nathaniel Garver-Daniels (West Virginia University)
- Gilles Theureau (Chair -- Univ Orléans, CNRS and Paris Observatory)
- Ismael Cognard (Univ Orléans, CNRS and Paris Observatory)
- Lucas Guillemot (Univ Orléans, CNRS and Paris Observatory)
- Antoine Petiteau (Univ Paris-Diderot, CNRS and Paris Observatory)
- Alexandre Le Tiec (CNRS and Paris Observatory)
Science Organizing Committee:
- Steve Taylor (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
- Caterina Tiburzi (Univ Bielefeld)
- Linqing Wen (Univ of Western Australia)
- Stefan Oslowski (Swinburne University of Technology)
- Gilles Theureau (Univ Orléans, CNRS and Paris Observatory)