Invited Reviews

  • A.LeTiec (LUTh) - Black holes in binaries (theory)
  • L.Blanchet (IAP) - test of Gravity theories with binary systems
  • E.Gourgoulhon (LUTh) - The MW central BH and the no-hair theorem G.Perrin (LESIA) - The GRAVITY VLT experiment and the central BH
  • I.Dvorkin (IAP) - SMBHB population
  • B.Fang (SYRTE) - MIGA: Matter Wave Interferometers Experiments
  • G.Patanchon (APC) - Mode B measurements with Planck and QUBIC
  • A.Petiteau (APC) - LISA project
  • M.Barsuglia (APC) - Virgo-LIGO (TBC)

Registered Participants

as of May 14, 2017

  1. Abhinav Jindal
  2. Abubakr Ibrahim
  3. Aditya Parthasarathy Madapusi
  4. Alberto Sesana
  5. Alexandre Le Tiec
  6. Andrea Lommen
  7. Antonia Orsini
  8. Benetge Perera
  9. Ben Gillen
  10. Brent Shapiro-Albert
  11. Caitlin Witt
  12. Caterina Tiburzi
  13. David Nice
  14. Delphine Perrodin
  15. Di Li
  16. Dominic Bosco
  17. Dustin Madison
  18. Eric Gourgoulhon
  19. Fronefield Crawford
  20. Gemma Janssen
  21. Gilles Theureau
  22. Golam Shaifullah
  23. Haley Wahl
  24. Henryk Haniewicz
  25. Hind Al Noori
  26. Ismaël COGNARD
  27. James McKee
  28. Janna Goldstein
  29. Jeffrey Hazboun
  30. Jiang Dong
  31. Jingbo Wang
  32. Jing Luo
  33. Joseph Lazio
  34. Julian Donner
  35. Keeisi Caballero
  36. Kuo Liu
  37. Lars Künkel
  38. Lindley Lentati
  39. Lin Wang
  40. Lorenz Haase
  41. Lucas Guillemot
  42. Luc Blanchet
  43. Madhuri Gaikwad
  44. Mallory Roberts
  45. Megan Jones
  46. Michael Keith
  47. Michael Lam
  48. Michele Vallisneri
  49. Naoyuki Yonemaru
  50. Nathaniel Garver-Daniels
  51. Paul Baker
  52. Paul Brook
  53. Pete Gentile
  54. Renée Spiewak
  55. Richard Manchester
  56. R. Nicolas Caballero
  57. Robert Ferdman
  58. Ryan Shannon
  59. Siyuan Chen
  60. Stanislav Babak
  61. Stefan Oslowski
  62. Stella Ocker
  63. Stephen Taylor
  64. Timothy Dolch
  65. Timothy Pennucci
  66. Xiaojin Liu
  67. Xinping Deng


Local Organizing Committee: Local Organizing Committee:
  • Nathaniel Garver-Daniels (West Virginia University)
  • Gilles Theureau (Chair -- Univ Orléans, CNRS and Paris Observatory)
  • Ismael Cognard (Univ Orléans, CNRS and Paris Observatory)
  • Lucas Guillemot (Univ Orléans, CNRS and Paris Observatory)
  • Antoine Petiteau (Univ Paris-Diderot, CNRS and Paris Observatory)
  • Alexandre Le Tiec (CNRS and Paris Observatory)
Science Organizing Committee:
  • Steve Taylor (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
  • Caterina Tiburzi (Univ Bielefeld)
  • Linqing Wen (Univ of Western Australia)
  • Stefan Oslowski (Swinburne University of Technology)
  • Gilles Theureau (Univ Orléans, CNRS and Paris Observatory)